
See Beadshaper Gallery for fabulous fashionable hand crafted jewelry.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


A tassel is a cluster of strands of any material hanging from an object. Tassels have been known since ancient times. According to the Hebrew Bible, God commanded the Hebrews (via Moses) to wear fringes (tassels) on the corners of their garments as a reminder to observe God’s commandments. Tassels were used as ornaments on clothing in Europe, especially France during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. They also have been used to embellish jewelry. They are also traditionally used on graduation hats. The tasseled pendant necklace pictured above can be purchased on the Beadshaper web site at RED BEADKNOT PENDANT TASSLE NECKLACE ( . A similar tasseled pendant necklace can be purchased at Elegant Bead Crochet Necklace with Pendant and Tassle (

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